Comprehensive Services for Modern Times
-both in person and online
Dialectical Behavior Therapy
DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) teaches individuals coping skills and strategies that allow for increased emotional and cognitive awareness, which results in adaptive responses to triggers. These evidence-based strategies help individuals tolerate life stressors and regulate their feelings. I’ve been trained in DBT for individuals of any age, and incorporated it into parent training to help parents with school-aged individuals.
Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy
RO DBT (Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy) is effective for ‘Type A’ individuals who tend to favor excessive self-control, which gets in the way of cognitive flexibility and relationship-building. RO DBT can help decrease rigidity and increase social connectedness and openness. It incorporates skills training and insight building to increase overall psychological wellbeing for teenagers, young adults, and adults.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)
& Exposure Therapy
Cognitive Behavior Therapy is an evidence-based approach designed to help individuals to draw connections between their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors so that they can cope more effectively with their anxiety or depressed mood. I am trained in administering CBT for all ages. Exposure therapy is a treatment that can be used in conjunction with CBT, DBT, or RO DBT, or may be a stand alone treatment. Here, the focus is on gradually exposing an individual to their feared or avoided stimuli or triggers as a way of increasing tolerance to certain less adaptive aversions. I have used exposure therapy mainly in the treatment of OCD, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, and specific phobias.